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Prey – Neuer „History of the TranStar“ Trailer

Bethesda hat einen neuen Trailer zu Prey veröffentlicht. Der Trailer History of the TranStar beleuchtet dabei die Vergangenheit des TranStar Konzerns, den Besitzern der Talos Raumstation. In der Welt von Prey hatte Präsident Kennedy das Attentat überlebt und nach seiner Genesung die Nation mit aller Macht in den Weltraum gebracht.

In the alternate future of Prey, President Kennedy survives the assassination, which sets off a turn of events leading to the central conflict. After recovering from the attempt on his life, Kennedy threw his nation further into the space race by taking control of a U.S./Russian joint program and transforming a Russian satellite into a fully functional R&D facility meant to study non-terrestrials. This facility later became Talos I, a highly advanced space station owned by the TranStar Corporation.

After awakening on Talos I, Morgan finds the station overrun by a previously contained non-terrestrial entity called Typhon, which the scientists had been studying and using to improve the scope of human abilities. Aided by strange alien-based powers, Morgan must survive the incursion, uncover the mysteries surrounding the Typhon and save humanity from the impending danger aboard the station.


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