Vor zwei Tagen war es mal wieder soweit. Mit Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ist der nächste Titel der alljährlichen Shooterreihe erschienen und die Server von PC, PlayStation 4 und Xbox One laufen bereits auf Hochtouren. Und wie es sich für einen modernen Titel gehört, wurde zum Start direkt ein umfangreiches Day One Update bereit gestellt. Was dieses Update so alles ins Lot rückt erfahrt ihr im Folgenden.
Day One of Modern Warfare
Seit 2006 gehört der Release eines neuen Call of Dutys genauso zum Jahresablauf wie der Cola trinkende Weihnachtsmann. In der Nacht vom 24. auch den 25. Oktober gaben Activision und Infinity Ward den Weg frei, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ist offiziell spielbar. Passend zum Release veröffentlichten die Entwickler ein umfassendes Update mit zahlreichen Bugfixes und kleinen Verbesserungen, basierend auf den gesammelten Daten und besonders dem Spieler-Feedback der Beta. Dabei steht vor allem der Mehrspieler-Modus im Fokus. Das allgemeine Spawn-System wurde verbessert und soll sowohl mehr Spawn-Punkte bieten, als auch lästiges Spawnen auf Gegnern vermeiden. Des Weiteren wurden die Lichtverhältnisse angepasst, Waffen Balance und Killstreaks feinjustiert, die Mini-Map verbessert und vieles mehr:
- Spawning in Core Multiplayer:
- Fixed edge case scenarios with spawning on enemies
- Adjusted spawn logic to improve spawn quality. We’ve also added more spawns to increase your options. We will continue to improve this map by map post-launch
- Ground War:
- Added more fallback spawns to FOBs if the flag has too many enemies
- Improved safety checking for spawning on Squadmates (is still dangerous, but the UI will notify you of this!)
- Added spawning on Squadmates while in vehicles
- Neutral tanks and helicopters now show up in the Spawn Selection screen
- Helicopters now have flares to help manage incoming missiles
- If all flags are captured by one team, you’ll go into Defcon to win so protect those flags!
- Fix for an exploit that was allowing players (and therefore teammates) to spawn under the map
- Lighting:
- Brightened characters in dark areas across many maps
- Low Health Visuals:
- Now brightens up in the middle of the screen instead of darkening
- Weapon Balance:
- In general, weapons received a lot of love since the Beta. Most notably shotguns and pistols.
- Equipment:
- Enemy claymores now have larger, visible lasers
- Reviving a teammate near a friendly claymore could cause the claymore to explode, resulting in a suicide
- Mini-Map:
- Now on by default across core multiplayer and Ground War. Enemy firing does not show up on the mini-map unless a team UAV is active
- Map zoom is pulled out a bit to help with player awareness
- Killstreaks:
- VTOL Jet adjusted to not target players though rooftops
- Fix for the Juggernaut Suit not spawning out of a crate. Another fix was deployed to prevent the mask from staying on the player after you have died as the Juggernaut and respawned
- After using the Cruise Missile, player character models were sometimes stuck in a lean after using the streak
- Munitions Box:
- Activated by using a prompt instead of proximity
- Reduced the explosion radius of the box
- Trophy System:
- Applied the Snapshot effect to the owner of any Snapshot grenades
- Recon Drone:
- All players in vehicles are now markable
- Screen tearing on character and weapon models on Xbox
- Impact damage of lethals/tacticals and the ammo box were causing instant kills
- Adjustments to the descriptions in Gunsmith
- Fix for a bug where the wrong input would be shown for players in a party
- Fix for a bug where a door could open in the opposite direction of the player’s movement
- Footsteps – Footstep tuning of volume fall off distance, mixing volume and occlusion settings
- Placing Deployable Cover on stairs could prevent teammates from being able to mantle or crouch under, blocking paths
- Various audio tuning and fixes for executions and weapons
- Players were able to spam the crouch button while moving creating a ‘snaking’ effect.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ist am 25. Oktober für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und dem PC erschienen.
Keine Produkte gefunden.
Quelle: reddit.com