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Driveclub – Patch 1.08 mit Wettersystem verfügbar

Die ewige Baustelle Driveclub bekommt mit dem nun verfügbaren Patch 1.08 nun endlich sein Wettersystem.  Dazu gibt’s zwei neue Strecken sowie einige Bug-Fixes:

Patch Notes 1.08

New Features

  • Adds weather to the game, for online and offline play.
  • Adds two new tracks, both including reverse variants: Atlanterhavsvegen in Norway and Sinclair Pass in Canada.


  • Adds the option to configure Throttle/Brake controls onto Up/Down on Right Stick.
  • Adds the ability to access Club Cars when offline.
  • Adds the ability to access Club Paint Jobs when offline.
  • Adds track maps and stats to each track card in Single Event.
  • Adds player statistics to various panels within Single Event and Challenges.
  • Includes more minor bug fixes, performance improvements and usability tweaks.
Immer auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen.

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